Tanisha Boyd
The Model Impact
About Tanisha
Tanisha is the Middle School Literacy Instructional Leader for Mobile County Public Schools in Mobile, AL. She is currently in her 23 year of education. Her career includes 13 years as a middle school ELA teacher, 7 years as an adjunct instructor and 3 years as an instructional coach. She also writes curriculum and develops training for her district and has served on various leadership teams. Ms. Boyd has also presented various conferences and educational summits.
The Model Impact
This session will present a framework for creating impactful model lesson opportunities for coaches. It is grounded in the intent of instruction and reflection connections for next steps. Many coaches are now coaching out of field teachers who are oblivious to the practices and language associated with being an educator. The purpose of this session is to assist coaches in getting to the intent of instruction through modeling. It begins with the unpacking of standards and setting purposeful goals. It includes addressing the need for intentionality in modeling Tier 2 strategies as well as the necessary debriefing and next steps for the coachee.