Paula Polk


Building Bridges Toward Literacy for Multilingual Students

About Paula Polk

Paula Polk has served in education for 15 years. As a district ESL Instructional Facilitator, she supports campus Language (ESL) Coaches work with multilingual students PK-12. Her forthcoming book with ASCD will detail her coaching journey as an advocate for multilingual students.


Building Bridges Toward Literacy for Multilingual Students

By championing the right for multilingual students to become proficient readers and writers we contribute to a more inclusive future. In the session Building Bridges Toward Literacy for Multilingual Students participants will activate prior knowledge on Scarborough's Reading Rope, focusing on the importance of oral language in language acquisition. Participants will explore a Linguistic Background Builder in a language other than English uncovering the orthography, print awareness, writing, grammar and a profile of the educational system in the applicable country. Participants will consider the uses for their context walking away with access to 8 linguistic background builders they can use to build linguistic background knowledge with teachers in their spheres of influence. The learning objectives for the session are as follows:

1) Explore the importance of oral language and cross language connections for multilingual students

2) Determine ways to build the capacity of teacher’s to use metalinguistic awareness when leveraging content for language development

3) Consider ways to partner with teachers to highlight an asset-based mindset when advocating for multilingual students.

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July 8-10, 2024

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