Michelle Ruhe
Coaching Strategies for Constructing Reading-Writing Connections
About Michelle Ruhe
Michelle is a 24-year veteran educator, and currently a K-5 literacy coach in one of the fastest-growing, top-performing districts in the state of SC. Michelle works alongside teachers in classrooms each and every day, and fully understands the challenges today's teachers face. It is her mission to help as many educators as she can to streamline, simplify, and strengthen their classroom instruction through her online coaching service, Coach from the Couch.
Coaching Strategies for Constructing Reading-Writing Connections
Teacher overwhelm is a pervasive challenge today, with lack of time being the number one contributor. Because of tight time constraints, the complex nature of literacy instruction, vast student needs, and countless standards to hit, when it comes to literacy instruction, no one feels like they can do it all. Despite teachers' best efforts, the list of high demands placed upon them means something inevitably gets left out, leading to feelings of defeat. When something is left out of literacy instruction, student learning gaps are created.
Can instructional coaches alleviate these barriers to effective instruction and enhance teacher sense of self efficacy at the same time? While we can’t add more time in the school day, there is something we can do to support teachers to truly fit it all in. In this session, instructional coaches will explore an innovative approach to literacy instruction that will alleviate these challenges.
By seamlessly combining reading and writing, coaches can equip teachers with the building blocks needed to successfully integrate reading and writing instruction. Through centering lessons around core high-quality mentor texts, teachers can deepen student learning, reach high levels of student engagement, build knowledge, refine skills, and save loads of valuable time–time that can then be used for differentiated small group instruction and conferring. For teachers, this integration reduces overwhelm and fosters a greater sense of autonomy. For students, the reading-writing connection is deepened, enhancing learning.
In this session, coaches will walk away with the practical tools and strategies to get this integrated approach up and running. In addition, tips for anticipating and guiding teachers through the mindset shifts needed to move from separate to integrated literacy instruction will be shared. The result will be more coherent, efficient, and joyful literacy lessons that empower both teachers and students.